The Company
Founded by people with a long experience in the energy market and a common vision to provide reliable, safe and financially justified solutions.
General Information
ENIA S.A. is a Greek company founded by people with a long experience in the energy market and with the common vision to provide reliable, safe and financially justified solutions for Energy Networks and Industrial applications.The main fields of activity of the company are:
Transmission and distribution, underground or overhead power networks.
Medium, high and ultrahigh voltage substations and distribution centers.
Thermal, aeolian and solar power generation plants.
Independent Power Producers.
Industrial plants.
Measurement and control instruments.
Non destructive testing equipment.
Electrical heat tracers.
Liquid leak detection systems.
Insulating and sealing gels and fire barriers.
High quality services and state of the art, innovative products
A Leading Player in the Energy Market
With the ambition to become a leading company in the energy market, ENIA provides its customers with high quality services and state of the art, innovative products.
ENIA focuses & invests in:
Highly skilled and continuously trained personnel.
Establishment of strategic partnerships with proven and reliable international manufacturers.
Sustained, high quality services to its customers.
Maintaining flexibility in order to adjust to a rapidly changing business environment.
YEARS in Business
CO2 OFFSET, million tons
Completed PROJECTS
CABLE SETS, million kms
Organisational Structure
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- ICAP's Strongest Companies in Greece Certificate
- Κώδικας Δεοντολογίας & Εταιρικής Υπευθυνότητας
- Δήλωση Ενημέρωσης & Πολιτική CVs
- ELOT ISO 45001:2018 (in English)
- ELOT ISO 45001:2018 (in Greek)
- ELOT ISO 9001:2015 (in English)
- ELOT ISO 9001:2015 (in Greek)
- ELOT ISO 14001:2015 (in English)
- ELOT ISO 14001:2015 (in Greek)
- Certificate GPTW 2024
- Synesgy ESG Certificate
- ISO 22301:2019
- ISO/IEC 27001:2022
- Εγγεγραμμένος Εκμεταλλευόμενος ΣμηΕΑ